In accordance with Resolution 1006 of April 1, 2020, the Special Administrative Unit of Migration Colombia orders the suspension of the following procedures:
- Issuance of the foreigner’s ID card for the first time, renewal and duplication;
- Foreigner’s registration for both minors and adults;
- Temporary Stay Permit to change permission;
- Extension of Permanence;
- Certificates of Migratory Movements;
- Certificate of Migratory Movements and Nationality.
- Safe-stay permit SC-1 and SC-2, except for the exceptions contemplated in the norm.
This suspension measure will be valid until May 30, 2020 inclusive and in no case may its duration be greater than the validity of the Health Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.
The procedural terms of the sanctioning administrative actions carried out by the Special Administrative Unit for Migration Colombia, against natural or legal persons for infractions and breaches of the obligations indicated in the current immigration regulations will be suspended.
The decisions adopted by the immigration authority in use of its discretion are excepted from this provision.
The administrative sanctioning actions that are in progress and that have the authorization of the alleged offender for notification by email, may continue their normal course until the decision.
The expiration of visas, entry permits or their extensions, as well as the obligation to process the foreigner's identity card during the mandatory isolation period, will be considered as sufficient reason to order the exoneration and filing of the administrative action.
When an entry and stay permit expires during the term of the Health Emergency, it shall be understood to be automatically extended up to one (1) month after the end of the Health Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.