The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolutions 678 and 680 adopting the biosecurity protocols for the control and management of COVID-19 risk in the coffee growers ‘and drinking water and basic sanitation sectors.
These protocols are complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020.
For the coffee growers’ sector, this protocol is also complementary to the measures adopted as necessary in the coffee harvesting activities by those responsible for each plant.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for this sector includes the following measures:
1. General biosecurity measures established in resolution 666 of 2020
2. Responsibilities
2.1. Basic care for interrupting COVID-19 contagion ‘chain 9
2.2. Healthy behaviors in harvest lots
2.3. Use of disinfectants
2.4. Use of personal protection elements
2.5. Cleaning and disinfection activities
2.6. Preventive isolation measures
2.7. Mandatory isolation for suspicious cases and their contacts
3. Measures for farms that require local personnel: small farmss
4. Measures for farms that require external personnel (collectors, walkers): medium and large farms
4.1. Employees ‘housing or barracks
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol is in charge of municipal or district secretariats or entities that belong to the economic activity of the municipality or district in which each plant operates. This, regardless the surveillance conducted by the Ministry of Work regarding compliance with obligations by employers or by any another authority in the executions of its duties.
For the drinking water and basic sanitation sector, this protocol is also complementary to the measures implemented and deemed necessary by those responsible for the execution of each project.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for this sector includes the following measures:
1. General biosecurity measures established in resolution 666 of 2020
2. Biosecurity measures for the drinking water and basic sanitation sector
2.1. Categories for the execution and reactivation of projects
2.2. Planning phase for the reactivation of projects
2.3. Linkage with departamental, district and municipal authorities
2.4. Definition of roles and responsibilities
2.4.1. Contracting company
2.4.2. Contractors
2.4.3. Controllers
2.4.4. Leader of the project
2.4.5. Occupational safety and health professional
2.4.6. Project ‘employees
2.4.7. Supervisors
2.5. Measures before arriving the project place and during the stay at the project place
2.5.1. Travel to and from the workplace
2.5.2. During the stay on the project
2.5.3. Scheduling of activities, personnel, and work shifts
2.5.4. General measures in the project place Activities control during the day Safety and health measures at Work Employees ‘training Communication strategies Application Plan of the Sanitary Protocol for the Construction Place (PAPSO for its acronym in Spanish)
- Health care area
- Use of common areas
- Control in bathrooms, dressing rooms and/or showers
- Maintenance of personal protection elements
- Communication and signaling of preventive measures
- Camps with temporary facilities
- Asepsis routines in workspaces and in the project place
- Hygiene measures for working tools
- Handling of equipment and tools (heavy machinery, heavy machinery with cabins, and minor tool)
- Recommendations for travels
2.6. Measures of mitigation and contention in the project place
2.6.1. Response mechanism before a case Measures for the person Measures for the project place Measures for possible contacts Measures for areas
2.6.2. Mitigation / crisis measures
2.6.3. Emergency care
2.7. Measures for the production and supplies ‘chain associated with production, supply, supplies and services
2.7.1. Delivery, loading and unloading of materials
2.7.2. Warehouse management
2.7.3. Measures during loading and reception of supplies
2.7.4. Measures in supplies ‘transport
2.7.5. Measures at retirement of the project place
2.8. Promotion and preventive measures in the operation of water and sanitation systems and in the activities of provision of public services and basic sanitation services
2.8.1. Measures in operation activities of water and basic sanitation systems
2.8.2. Measures in the provision of water and sewer services
2.8.3. Measures in the provision of public sanitation services Protection measures Protection of public cleaning service operators Recommendations regarding recycling activities Final disposal of waste
2.9. Biosecurity measures in infrastructure projects of water and basic sanitation – social management plan
2.9.1. At citizen service points
2.9.2. In the diagnosis process
2.9.3. In the initial socialization of projects
2.9.4. During real estate censuses
2.9.5. During community working days
2.9.6. During internal working hours
2.10. General considerations
Monitoring of compliance with this protocol is in charge of the Works Secretariat or the dependency that within the municipal or district entity replaces it, according to the administrative organization of each municipality or district where drinking water and basic sanitation projects are executed. This, regardless the surveillance conducted by the Ministry of Work regarding fulfillment of obligations by employers nor to the powers of other authorities. es.
Resolution 678 of 2020 and Resolution 680 of 2020