By means of Decree 106 of 2020, it is ordered to give continuation to the mandatory preventive isolation in Bogotá D.C., from April 13, 2020, until April 27, 2020. This, taking into account that it was instructed by the president of the Republic, as a measure to avoid the extension of the COVID-19 contagion, within the framework of the declaration of economic, social and ecological emergency declared in the national territory.
The Decree limits the free circulation of people and vehicles in the city, establishing exceptions for the circulation of people and vehicles that provide or require services considered essential, such as the provision of health services, acquisition of basic necessities, banking services, assistance to children or people in situations of disability, the production and distribution chain of medicines and food, among others. It should be noted that, in order to comply with these exceptions, individuals must be identified and accredited in the exercise of their duties. These exceptions are provided for in Decree 457 of 2020 and Decree 092 of 2020, which order and regulate the measure of mandatory preventive isolation, respectively.
In view of the above, it is necessary to impose measures and instructions to achieve compliance with the continuation of mandatory isolation, as an additional measure to Decree 092 of 2020, is the limitation of movement according to the sex of persons, for the acquisition of essential goods, such as food, beverages, medicines, toiletries or cleaning items, or for persons who must travel to banking, financial services, payment operators or notary services. The measure consists of:
a) Male persons: may be mobilized only on odd-numbered days
b) Female persons: may be mobilized only on even-numbered days
In the case of transgender persons, they will be able to circulate in compliance with this measure, in accordance with their gender identity, and it is the duty of the authorities to respect their manifestation.
The other measures imposed in this Decree are the same as those provided for in Decree 092, which establishes the measures to comply with the mandatory preventive isolation in Bogotá, and are as follows:
- Adoption of teleworking days when physical presence is not necessary, for persons who carry out the exempted activities.
- Imposition of shifts and schedules for user service and the obligation to maintain a minimum distance of 2 meters between people to comply with the exempted activities, especially in financial, banking and notary activities, among others. Giving priority to persons over 60 years of age, pregnant women, disabled persons, etc.
- Supply of disinfection elements to workers and clients of entities that provide the services covered by the exceptions.
- Ensuring that the chain of production, marketing and distribution always complies with mandatory health and sanitation measures.
- Encourage those who must leave to comply with the exceptions to do so in the place closest to their home.
- Taxis may only provide their services through calls or digital platforms and must consolidate the information of the passengers they transport, which will be reported to the District Secretary of Mobility so that they have the data required to carry out the epidemiological fence in case of contagion.
- Special measures are adopted for companies that provide home services, such as disinfection of work elements at least 3 times a day.
- Prohibition of agglomeration of more than 50 persons and a minimum distance of 2 meters.
- Prohibition of consumption of intoxicating beverages in public spaces and commercial establishments and limitation of distribution and sale to one product per person during the new period of isolation.
- In the services of the transport terminals, it is limited only to persons who prove their residence in other municipalities and are in the District carrying out some of the exempted activities.
It should be noted that the penalties for failure to comply with the measures decreed remain in force and that persons who fail to comply may be fined or warned and may even incur the penalties provided for in the Criminal Code for violation of health measures.