At a press conference held on March 19, the President of the Republic announced the following measures that must be taken into account by international travelers:
- From March 23 at 00:00 the entry of international flights will be restricted for a period of 30 days.
- In the same way, connection flights stopping in the country will be suspended.
- This measure will be applied regardless of the nationality of the travelers. In other words, it will also apply to Colombian travelers.
- This measure was taken in part as a response to the breaches of the preventive isolation measures that were passed on March 10 through Resolution 380 and which were later reinforced on March 15 through Resolution 408 of 2020.
Thus, until March 23, 00:00, and in accordance with Resolution 408 of 2020, the following travelers may enter the country:
- Colombians and foreigners with permanent residence in Colombia, that is, holders of a migrant visa, residence visa or courtesy visa and their beneficiaries.
- Foreigners who have started their flight to Colombia before the restriction measures of March 15 came into effect.
- Accredited diplomats in the country.
- The plane's crew.
Individuals who can enter the country must remain in isolation for 14 days.
Travelers must comply with the isolation measures in their residence or in a temporary accommodation covered with their own resources, in the first landing city.
In the case of travelers residing in the national territory, the measures will be applied at the final destination of the country. If the first place of disembarkation is not their final destination, the transfer between one place and another will be carried out with all the biosafety measures, which will be paid with the traveler's own resources.
Travelers must inform the place where they will comply with the isolation measures. The place chosen for the isolation cannot be modified.
Travelers who have their residence abroad and who are in isolation or quarantined, may choose to return to their country of origin before the end of the 14 days, as long as they comply with all biosecurity measures, which will be covered with their own resources.
Passengers arriving in the country in international connection must follow their course.
In accordance with the resolution, the authorities of the port of entry must fulfill the following responsibilities:
1. Migration Colombia
- Ensure that all travelers carry out the Preventive Control, which consists of completing their personal information and responding if they have been in certain countries in the last 14 days. They should report if they have been in contact with people with Coronavirus and/or if they present symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat and general malaise, among others.
- Verify that travelers have a health policy or are affiliated with the General Health Social Security System.
2. Airlines
- Perform the validation of identity documents and the conditions presented by passengers at the boarding place.
- Deny boarding to those who do not meet the conditions to enter the country.
- Inform all users about sanitary measures and penalties for non-compliance.
- Assuming the immediate return expenses of foreigners who are not admitted to the country.
Failure to comply with these sanitary measures may lead to expulsion from the national territory in the case of foreign travelers and/or criminal investigations that can result in imprisonment of four (4) to eight (8) years; and successive fines totaling 10,000 daily legal minimum wages.
The additional measures implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs involve the suspension of the issuance of all types of consular visas.