The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolutions 677, 679 and 681 adopting the biosecurity protocols for the control and management of COVID-19 risk in the transportation, transportation infrastructure and games of luck and chance sectors.
These protocols are complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and to other measures implemented by corresponding companies.
For the transportation sector, this protocol is also complementary to the measures implemented and deemed necessary by companies of all transportation modes, their drivers or crew, land transport terminals, infrastructure managers associated with mass transport systems, drivers of private service vehicles, conventional and electric bicycles and electric scooters.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for this sector includes the following measures:
- General biosecurity measures
- General measures to be implemented by operators and drivers of the logistic chain of river and land transportation, companies and drivers of the public service of land passenger transportation, land transportation terminals, rail transportation, management entities and concessionary companies of the mass transportation systems in vehicles and equipment of all modes of transportation
- Measures to be implemented by drivers of all types of transportation equipment
- Measures to be implemented by drivers of loading equipment
- Measures to be implemented by stakeholders of the loading logistic chain
- Measures to be implemented by drivers of individual public passenger transport such as taxi, special, collective, mixed, by inter-municipal road, rail passenger transport, and cable passenger transport
- Measures to be implemented by employees, contractors, collaborators, drivers and controls of mass public transport
- Measures to be implemented in passenger land transportation terminals and infrastructure associated with mass transportation systems
- Communication strategies to be implemented by ground transportation terminals and infrastructure associated with mass transportation systems
- Measures to be implemented by crew members of river cargo transport service
- Measures to be implemented by operators of river passenger transport service
- Private vehicles and motorcycles
- Electric and conventional bikes and electric scooters
- Users of public transport service
For the transportation infrastructure sector, this protocol is also complementary to the measures implemented and deemed necessary by those responsible for transport infrastructure projects.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for this sector includes the following measures:
1. General biosecurity measures
2. Responsibilities of:
2.1. Contractors
2.2. Contracting companies
2.3. Supervisors
3. Personal hygiene and social interaction
4. Areas, hours and work shifts
4.1. Operation and construction
4.2. Transport and mobilization of personnel
5. Emergency control and health incidents
6. Human resource
7. Other measures
7.1. Handling of working tools
7.2. Use of gloves
For the games of luck and chance sector, this protocol is also complementary to the measures implemented and deemed necessary by those responsible of each establishment and sale points.
The biosecurity protocol adopted for this sector includes the following measures:
1. Biosecurity measures for employees and collaborators in the games of luck and chance sector for games of SUPER astro, Baloto/Revancha, operated via internet, permanent gambling and traditional lottery
1.1. Risk estimation
1.2. Handwashing
1.3. Social distancing
1.4. Personal protection equipment
1.5. Cleaning and disinfection
1.6. Handling of supplies and products
1.7. Waste management
2. Prevention measures and management of contagion risk situations
2.1. Health surveillance of employees and collaborators in the context of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST for its acronym in Spanish)
2.2. Travel to and from the workplace
2.3. Training of employees and collaborators in basic aspects related to the way in which COVID-19 is transmitted and the ways to prevent it
2.4. Measures in coordination with the occupational risk insurance companies
2.5. Recommendations at home
2.6. Living with a high-risk person
2.7. Management of risk situations by the employer
2.8. Monitoring of COVID-19contagion symptoms
2.9. Contagion prevention
2.10. Steps to follow in case of having a person with symptoms compatible with COVID-19
2.11. Communications plan
In this case, a monitoring mechanism is established in the protocol implementation. According to the findings at sale points, Coljuegos, the entities that administer the rentier monopoly of games of luck and chance, and supervision firms must report before, during and after the opening, to the surveillance and control authorities. Periodic evaluations will be carried out.
Monitoring of compliance with these protocols is in charge of municipal or district secretariats or entities that belong to the economic activity.
Resolution 677 of 2020 , Resolution 679 de 2020 and Resolution 681 de 2020.