Through Decree 1109 of August 10, 2020, the Program for Testing, Trace and Sustainable Selective Isolation (Programa de Pruebas, Rastreo y Aislamiento Selectivo Sostenible – PRASS) was created to monitor cases and people exposed to a case ("contacts") of COVID-19. The above, to slow the spread of Covid-19 Coronavirus and interrupt transmission chains.
The following actions will be implemented in the framework of this programme:
1. Taking samples and performing diagnostic laboratory tests.
This action is carried out by the departmental or district territorial bodies, the health promotion entities (Entidades Promotoras de Salud - EPS) and the other Entities obliged to compensate, the official operators of the special and exceptional regimes and the employers or contractors in a concurrent manner with the Occupational Risk Administrators.
The information derived from these tests must be reported to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social)
2. Tracing the contacts of confirmed cases.
This action seeks to identify the contacts of the cases of COVID-19 Coronavirus infection, for their evaluation, orientation, and follow-up. This action will be carried out by the departmental and district health secretariats for the uninsured poor population, the EPS and the other Entities obliged to compensate, the official operators of the special and exceptional regimes and the municipal health secretariats after notification by the employer or contractor.
When a contact is identified, the entities in charge must verify and send the risk classification questionnaire adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to the EPS to which the contact is affiliated or the departmental or district health secretariat. The latter entities must determine whether the isolation measure is appropriate and carry out their respective monitoring.
This active search for contacts will be complemented by other tools such as: personalized tracking by epidemiological surveillance teams, telephone calls, use of Coronapp pro, among others.
3. Isolation of confirmed cases and their contacts, and recognition of economic benefits to ensure compliance with isolation.
This measure refers to selective isolation consisting of mandatory isolation to be observed by persons diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID-19 and their symptomatic or asymptomatic contacts, if deemed appropriate, for the entire duration of each person's infectious period.
For this purpose, contributors to the Contributory Health System will have the economic resources derived from incapacity due to general illness or occupational illness, as applicable, recognised by the EPSs or the Occupational Risk Administrators. For those who are not incapacitated, they will be prioritized for teleworking or working at home.
Affiliates of the Subsidized Health Care System will be paid a Temporary Economic Compensation corresponding to 7 days of the current legal minimum daily wage, for one time only and per family nucleus, as long as they comply with the isolation measure.
Finally, the National Superintendence of Health (Superintendencia Nacional de Salud) may initiate investigations and sanction entities that do not comply the obligations enshrined in the decree.
See full text of Decree 1109 of 2020