June 6, 2020

By means of Resolution 0288 of 2020, articles 1 and 3 were modified and the annex to Resolution 1067 of December 24, 2015, was subrogated, regarding the guidelines for the formulation of coverage, quality, continuity, and assurance of goals regarding access to potable water and basic sanitation.

Additionally, some guidelines were given on coverage, quality, continuity and assurance goals in access to basic potable water and basic sanitation. In addition, a planning process was established for the territorial entities. In that regard, the Ministry of Housing stablished certain steps that must be followed on the formulation of goals regarding potable water and basic sanitation sector, which should include: i) a diagnosis, ii) formulating the goals and identifying the projects susceptible to be financed during this period by local governments, for this purpose, it was pointed out that it is advisable for the territorial entity to have a needs bank in which deficiencies in access to potable water and basic sanitation are established, and actions aimed at improving these limitations. iii) identify available sources of resources iv) formulate strategies and v) formulate goals, projects, and investments.

Resolution 288 of 2020

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