Juana Valentina Micán
Law graduate of Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario. She holds a master’s degree in International Law from Paris II – Panthéon – Assas and a postgraduate degree in Environmental Law from Universidad Externado de Colombia. In 2023, she finalized a Master’s Degree in Administration (Maestría en Gerencia y Práctica del Desarrollo) at Universidad de los Andes, which approach is the management of sustainability and sustainable development.
She joined the environmental practice of Brigard Urrutia in 2014. She is currently a senior associate of the Environment and Sustainable Business Team and ESG & Impact Investment Practice.
She has 12 years of experience on environmental law: 2 years of experience in the public environmental sector and 10 years of experience advising Colombian and foreign companies on environmental matters that apply to their projects, operations and/or activities, including advise on compliance with environmental regulations, environmental litigation and structuring projects. During the last years she has been strengthening her knowledge and competences on sustainability with special emphasis on environmental sustainability.