July 3, 2021
ONU requests further efforts on national plans for climate action

On February 26, 2021, the United Nations (“UN”) published the Initial Synthesis Report of the National Climate Action Plans (“NDC”). After analyzing the results presented by 75 countries in December 2020, the UN concluded that, to achieve the goals established in the Paris Agreement, the parties must intensify their efforts and submit more ambitious NDC.

The parties set as the main goal of the Paris Agreement limiting the rise of global temperature to 2 ° C (ideally 1.5 ° C) by the end of the century. Even thought, in recent years many countries have increased their ambition on climate change mitigation policies, it is estimated that their combined effort will only reduce in 1% de emission levels for 2030 in comparison with 2010. The Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change estimated that to reach the goal of limiting the rise of global temperature to 1.5 ° C, 45% of the emissions must be reduced.

According to said results, the UN invited all countries to generate more ambitious NDC during 2021 and based on the COVID-19 crisis migrate towards more sustainable and climate-resistant economies. 



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